Best Chest Surgeon in Delhi

National Heart Institute, Holy Family Instititue

Sir Ganga Ram Hospital – Mon, Wed, Fri (8 AM – 10 AM) – F87 OPD Building (12 to 3 PM) at Room 2328


Thoracic Surgeon – New Delhi
MBBS, MS, Doctorate Thoracic Surgery


Diaphragm Paralysis Treatment in Delhi: Options and Outcomes

Diaphragm Paralysis Treatment in Delhi

Dr Pallavi Purwar offers different treatment options available for diaphragm paralysis in Delhi. The treatment options provided delves into conservative methods, such as respiratory therapy and medication, as well as surgical procedures like diaphragmatic plication and diaphragmatic pacing.

Lung Metastasis Surgery in India

Lung metastasis surgery in India

Are you or someone you know facing the daunting prospect of lung metastasis surgery? Do not lose hope, as advancements in modern medical technology and the expertise of Indian surgeons offer a ray of optimism in this challenging situation.

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best TB Doctor in Delhi

ultimate guide to finding the best tb doctor in delhi

Tuberculosis is one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases (report – WHO), capable of killing or seriously diminishing one’s quality of life and depriving their family of the primary source of support. People living with tuberculosis in their lungs can spread infectious bacteria to others, so Best TB Doctor in Delhi use active case finding […]